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How to get and keep a real tan with minimum skin damage

Going out in the sun regularly without using a sunscreen and without taking the necessary action once out of the sun will give you sun damage and will cause premature ageing. That is a given. So what products should you be using? When? How Often?

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Firstly always apply maximum protection factor to your face. Factor 30 to 50. Always wear sunglasses and always wear a wide rimmed hat if out and about in the strong sun. I love Avon Factor 50 for sensitive skins however Avon do other high protection suncreams that you can use. Never use less than 25 SPF on your face. In fact always choose a face cream with high SPF even in the winter. The sun still comes through the clouds so some skin damage can be caused in the winter months too believe it or not, particularly on the delicate face, neck and decolletage (chest area). I love Avon Anew Ultimate Day Multi performance Cream. You can choose the Avon face cream that is right for you by browsing my

Online Avon Shop or your local Avon Representative's brochure.

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Apply factor 15+ all over your body. My family are never without Avon's moisturising sunspray (spf 15) or Avon's quick-dry clear spray (spf 30). My current personal favourite is Avon's Protect and Glow Moisturising Sun Lotion because it gives your skin a lovely glow and a hint of colour whilst you are acquiring your tan (spf30) (although I always keep a spray-on to hand in the absence of anyone to apply lotion to my back!!) Never apply a suntan lotion with an spf of less than factor 15. The damage you will do to your skin is just not worth it. You wont just cause premature ageing but you will be leaving yourself at a higher risk of skin cancer. If you have sensitive or fair skin make sure you use factor 30. If your skin is sensitive to the sun, apply factor 50.

My Golden Rules:

(1) Sunbathe for 20 minutes maximum at a time (wearing at least factor 15 suncream and sunglasses to protect your delicate eye area)

(2) Get out of the sun. Moisturise (you could go for a swim, then sit in the shade for a while moisturising all over. Use Avon's skin so soft dry oil body spray. Soft and Fresh. Not only will it moisturise efficiently, you will be able to reach your back area if you don't have a sunbathing partner to hand. And it keeps the bugs away!! So its a win-win!!

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(3) Keep your skin well moisturised. It will tan more easily and be less susceptible to damage. Firstly ensure you drink at least 6 glasses of water per day (more when it's hot). Have a moisturising shower ritual such as this:

Before you go into the shower, body brush to stimulate blood circulation and encourage dead skin cells to slough off (Avon's Planet Spa range have a good one and its very reasonably priced). When in the shower, wet skin all over. Every other shower apply a moisturising body exfoliator (Avon have a great range). After this, use a shower gel/cream to wash all over. My current favourite this summer is Avon's Avon Care Moisturising Shower Creme. After you have rinsed this off, apply Avon's Skin so Soft In-shower moisturiser. Lightly rinse and then pat your skin dry. Seal in the moisture with a light all over spray of Avon's Skin so soft dry oil body spray or choose from Avon's wide range of body lotions. I absolutely love Avon's Planet Spa range. It always feels so luxurious to use yet it won't break the bank!!

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And that's you ready to go with perfectly moisturised and tanned skin without any of the damage!!

PS: Using my Avon shower skin ritual above will also prepare your skin well if you are a spray tan junkie!!

Berni x

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