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How to Find Avon Customers

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Social Media sharing

  • Open your online Avon store

  • Join Facebook and other social media sites and share your online store through them

  • Set up an Avon selling page on face book and post regularly on here promoting your Avon products

  • Join Buy and sell groups on social media sites and share your store in them on a regular basis

  • Good times are in the morning after the 'school run' and in the evenings

Avon.  Join Avon. How to become an Avon Rep

Postcards and posters

Some great and easy places to pop a card or poster:

Google your local community and search for:

Office blocks, banks, care homes, salons, post offices, surgeries, play centres, mother and toddler groups, WI Groups, schools, churches etc..

Now go and visit them and ask if you could leave a brochure.

Try these places too;

  • Corner shop windows

  • Church hall notice boards

  • Community centre notice boards

  • Post office notice boards

  • College notice boards

  • University notice boards

More Top Tips:

Use Avon products yourself. One of the best ways to sell a product is to know everything about it. Your regular discount and demos allow you to save money and try the products yourself first.

  • Ask your customers for product reviews. When you pass out orders, ask your customer to let you know how the products perform. This is a great way for you to learn about products so that you can offer more information to other customers.

  • Share your products. If you work in an office, make sure you have hand lotion to share with your colleagues. Some Avon reps keep extra tubes of hand cream for on-the-spot sales.

  • Use your own network of friends and family. Share your excitement about your new business and people will be excited with you. Most of your friend will already be familiar with Avon products and so they will be your easiest customers.

  • Everyone is a member of some organisation or workplace.

  • You have an extended network too!

  • Wear Avon jewellery. I get so many compliments when I wear a new Avon necklace. Most jewellery comes in sets, like a necklace and bracelet. They are designed to compliment fashion or seasonal colours. I have had a few customers tell me they were not sure if a necklace would match their outfit, but with the no-hassle return guarantee they were not afraid to return it if it did not.

  • Share your business cards.

  • Order plenty of brochures. Brochures are really your "shop." They are designed well, colourful, and cheap. The photos are very clear and often show how the makeup looks on a real person.

  • Keep brochures handy. I keep the latest campaign brochure in my handbag. I was out at new group the other night and when I mentioned that I sell Avon 4 people asked me for a brochure! So I showed them my brochure and gave them all the link to my online store!

  • Buy stickers for the backs of brochures. My stickers match my business cards and large print makes them easy to read. Stickers include my name, phone number, email address, and website address. Brochures, stickers and business cards are powerful sales tools!

  • Don't forget special offers. Everyone loves a bargain! Use your imagination to come up with catchy ideas. What about doing a BOGOF offer (buy one get one free) How about free wrapping for Mother's Day? Birthday and anniversary reminders?

  • Try 'Recommend a friend and get 10% off your next order.'

  • Always up-sell. This is a key sales tip that really works. Say your customer buys a certain fragrance; draw her attention to the lotion. Got an order for a necklace? Point out the matching ring on the same page. Did your customer choose a skincare product for ageing skin? Make sure she knows about the eye lift cream and so on....

  • Make samples and demos work for you. Attach a sample on the page of the newest brochure where the item is listed with a paper clip. Encourage your customers to try the product. Buy a demo and either use it yourself or give to a faithful customer to try. Ask her to give you a review. you could post this on your face book avon page.

  • Holidays and special days. Remind your customer that holidays and special occasions tend to sneak up on us, and you have great gifts for just about anyone.

  • Don't forget the male customers! Avon has some great products especially for men. Check out the after-shave conditioners and the foot care line. Don't forget about SSS for camping, fishing and working in the garden. tend to forget about the guys - but they have daughters home from uni, wives who love great makeup, and mothers who love to be treated to a thinking-of-you-mum gift.

  • Use the no-hassle Return Policy to close the deal. Avon promises, "If you're not happy with any purchase, just return it for an exchange or your money back. No questions. No fuss. No problems." Even if the makeup is opened, if the customer is unhappy Avon will give a no-stress return.

  • Set a goal to find at least 2 new customers every campaign.

  • Use the “Power of 3” – Make 3 new contacts every day.

  • Comparison shop and be ready to give results to contacts.

  • Increase the number of brochures ordered by 10 every campaign.

  • Leave a brochure at 1 new business every campaign.

  • Wear an Avon logo pin or shirt – It’s free advertisement to those who don’t know you are an Avon representative.

  • Have 1 product each campaign that is the campaign special – Hand out info and samples about it to every contact and offer a discount of 10% or 20% if they purchase it in that campaign.

  • Have a positive attitude – It sells.

  • Show pages from national magazines that feature news about Avon products.

  • Spray your brochures with fragrances.

  • Find helpers in businesses, churches, schools, etc. and reward them for taking orders for you. I call these people my "Avon angels".

  • Leave a basket of demos in a business and pick them up the next day with orders too!!!

  • Pass our lumpy brochures out to businesses. (samples in flagged pages)

  • Advertise a “NEW CUSTOMER SALE” – Choose 2 or 3 products each campaign and offer a special discount to the “FIRST-TIME” customers.

  • Have an “OLD-TIMERS” special – Offer a special discount, a free product or a free trial size to any regular customer who gets you a new customer.

  • Have a special raffle drawing for any customer who has a minimum £20.00 order.

  • Have a “BUNNY SALE” for Easter – Offer 5% off every product that starts with the letter “B”.

  • Place business cards on every available notice board.

  • Talk to every customer about fundraising for the Avon speak out and breast cancer charities.

  • Wear different Avon fragrances

  • Take Skin-So-Soft samples to any place and organisation where workers are exposed to creepy crawlies such as midges etc.

Put a sign in your car window.

  • Advertise in local papers (if it's free - it's good to keep your overheads down) – Especially clearance sales, special discounts, or introduction of new products.

  • Give each customer an extra brochure and ask them to give them to family and friends (again, Avon angels).

  • Give a brochure and sample to every person behind the check-out at your local supermarkets.

  • Have an open house of Avon products during holiday periods, on the build-up to major celebrations such as Christmas and offer free gift wrapping.

  • Offer an “AVON PARTY” at businesses during lunch hours. (My personal favourite)

  • Always carry a demo basket with you – Your customers may have friends visiting too.

  • Carry a “BARGAIN BASKET” – Purchase inexpensive products from the sale section of your "first look" brochure and sell these to people who do not want to place an order. Also a good way to sell used “demos” or unwanted products that may accumulate.

  • Keep extra products on hand for people who may need a gift to give on the spur of the moment. Avon home and garden products make great wedding gifts.

  • Know your products: Make brand comparisons and provide copies for your customers. Advertise these comparisons on your Avon face book page.

  • Set up a table in your local school fetes, car boots, craft fairs.

  • Attend Avon Sales Meetings and share ideas with your Avon colleagues and gain more ideas from your Avon Sales Leader.

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